How to clean the inside of a toaster

Toasters are an essential kitchen appliance that can wear out with extended use. Cleaning a toaster may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be!

Taking preventative measures to keep your countertop clean and your toaster running well will ensure that you gain the most benefit from this necessary appliance..

With just a few supplies and some care, cleaning the inside of your toaster is easy and straightforward. In this blog post, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for deep cleaning your kitchen's trusty companion.

How to clean the inside of a toaster - Step-by-step

Step 1: Unplug the toaster before beginning your cleaning process

Before you begin your cleaning process, be sure to unplug the toaster. This will prevent any electrical shock or other hazards from occurring during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Lift the side lever of the toaster and remove any crumbs caught in the toaster’s crevices

Using a butter knife or other flat utensil, gently lift the side lever of the toaster. Carefully inspect and remove any crumbs that have become caught in the crevices of your toaster. Keep in mind not to use anything too sharp or pointed as this could damage your appliance.

Step 3: Use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside of the toaster, focusing on hard-to-reach places

Using a damp cloth, begin to wipe down the inside of the toaster. Take extra care to reach into the hard-to-reach places, such as between the coils and around where the door sits.

Step 4: Remove any debris from the heating coils using a vacuum cleaner or small brush

Remove any debris from the heating coils using a vacuum cleaner or small brush. Make sure to be gentle with this process, as too much pressure can cause damage to your appliance.

Step 5: Clean out the slots where you insert your bread with a soft cloth

Gently clean out the slots where you insert your bread with a soft cloth. Make sure to pay attention to any build-up that may have occurred on these surfaces.

Step 6: Wipe down the exterior of the toaster with a damp cloth and allow it to air dry before plugging it back in

Once you have finished cleaning the inside of your toaster, use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior. Allow it to air dry before plugging it back in and putting it on your countertop.

Read more: can you put a paper plate in a toaster oven


How often should I clean my toaster?

We recommend cleaning your toaster at least twice a year. This will help keep it in the best condition and ensure that you get the most out of your appliance.

What should I use to clean my toaster?

A damp cloth should be used to wipe down the inside and outside of the toaster. Avoid using anything too abrasive or sharp, as this could cause damage to your appliance.

Is it safe to clean my toaster?

Yes! Cleaning your toaster is a safe process as long as you follow the instructions outlined in this blog post and unplug the appliance before beginning.

Can I put water in a toaster to clean it?

No, you should avoid putting any water in a toaster. This can cause electrical damage to the appliance and could be a safety hazard.

Can I disinfect the inside of a toaster?

Yes, although it is important to note that you should never use any chemical products to do so. Stick to the cleaning process outlined above and you will keep your toaster clean and disinfected!


Cleaning your toaster is a relatively straightforward process. With just a few supplies and some caution, you can keep your toaster in top condition for years to come. Following the steps outlined in this blog post will help ensure that you get the most out of your appliance - and now you know how to clean the inside of your toaster!

If you have any further questions about toaster cleaning or maintenance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help! Happy cleaning!