Are Space Heaters Safe? The Pros and Cons

Space heaters can be a great way to keep warm during the winter, but they can also be dangerous. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of using space heaters and provide 10 tips for staying safe while using them.


A. Definition of a Space Heater

A space heater is an appliance that is used to warm a room or living space. Heaters come in many sizes and styles and are equipped with numerous features that allow for temperature adjustments, timing settings, and remote control capability. Space heaters can be used for supplemental or primary heating depending on the size of the space to be heated and the quantity of heat desired.

Different types of fuel sources like natural gas, electricity, propane, and oil all power space heaters in different capacities. Whether you want to purchase an energy-efficient model, one with automatic shut-off capabilities or one that offers digital controls, numerous choices are available so you can choose the best heater based on your unique needs.

B. Benefits of Using a Space Heater

Using a space heater is an excellent way to reduce energy spending while heating up smaller areas with efficiency. While it may not heat up entire households, they are a great way to warm up personal living spaces or chilly corners and rooms.

Space heaters create instant warmth, act quickly and cost less energy than trying to heat the whole house. Additionally, space heaters are beneficial in colder climates and with lowering overall energy consumption as they provide targeted temperatures for specific consumption needs. As a result, those who use them can save money on electricity bills.

Pros of Using a Space Heater

A. Affordable Solution to Climate Control

Space heaters provide an efficient and affordable way to keep warm. They are a great alternative to other home heating systems, as they require no installation cost or recurring fuel payments.

Additionally, the initial cost of purchasing a space heater is often much less than other types of heating systems - making them an incredibly cost-effective solution for those on a budget.

B. Portable and Easy To Install

Space heaters are easy to move and install. Most models are lightweight and can be carried from room to room easily, making them ideal for those who often change their environment or have limited space.

Additionally, many modern models are equipped with features such as wheels that make it easier for users to maneuver them around a living space.

C. Great for Small Spaces

Space heaters are perfect for small rooms or bedrooms because they provide targeted heating in a focused area. This is helpful for those who are trying to save energy, as well as people that need the extra warmth in colder areas of their home.

D. Quickly Heat a Room

Space heaters produce fast and efficient heat, allowing users to quickly warm up a room without having to wait for the entire house to become warm.

Cons of Using a Space Heater

A. Potential Fire Hazard

Space heaters can present a fire hazard if not used properly. Any space heater should be kept away from flammable objects, and users should always make sure that the heater is turned off when they are not in use.

Additionally, it’s important to keep space heaters well-maintained - replacing any worn or damaged parts - to ensure they operate as safely and efficiently as possible.

B. Can Be Unsafe For Children and Pets

Space heaters can present a safety hazard for children and pets, as they may accidentally knock over or touch the heater while playing.

Therefore, it’s important to keep space heaters out of reach of little ones and pets, and to also make sure that all cords are kept tucked away.

C. High Energy Consumption

While space heaters are designed to save energy, if they are not used properly or for too long, they can consume a lot of energy.

To ensure that space heaters are being used efficiently, users should always make sure to turn them off when they are not in use and keep the room well insulated. Additionally, opting for a more energy-efficient model can help reduce overall consumption.

D. Potential Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risk

Space heaters that run on combustible fuels, such as natural gas or propane, have the potential to release carbon monoxide into the air if not properly vented.

To avoid this risk, it’s important to be sure that all vents and exhaust systems are in proper working order and free of any clogs or blockages.

10 Tips for Staying Safe When Using a Space Heater

A. Always Place Heater on a Hard, Flat Surface

When it comes to planning for the winter months, it is important to ensure that your heater is properly situated. Always make sure that your heater is placed on a hard, flat surface to help prevent potential dangers such as overheating and fires.

By avoiding this hazard, you can help foster an environment able to keep you warm and safe during the colder season. In addition, periodically check fluid levels and be mindful of surrounding objects; this will also help reduce any possibility of injury due to improper placement of the unit.

B. Choose the Right Size Heater for Your Room

It is essential to select a heater that is the right size for your room. A heater that is too small will be unable to effectively heat the space, while a model that is too large could lead to overheating.

Be sure to assess the cubic footage of the room before making your purchase in order to determine what size would best suit your needs.

C. Keep Children and Pets Away From Space Heaters

Space heaters should always be kept out of reach of children and pets, as they can easily be knocked over or touched.

By keeping a safe distance between your little ones and the heater, you can help avoid potential accidents. Additionally, it is important to keep cords tucked away to prevent any tripping hazards.

D. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors In The Room

If you are using a space heater that runs on combustible fuels, such as natural gas or propane, it is important to install carbon monoxide detectors in the room.

By doing so, you can help ensure that any dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide are detected quickly and acted upon appropriately. Additionally, make sure all vents and exhaust systems are free of any clogs or blockages.

E. Turn Off the Heater When You Leave the Room or Go to Sleep

It is important to always turn off the space heater when you leave the room or go to sleep. This will help save energy and prevent any potential risks associated with leaving it running unsupervised.

Additionally, avoid using extension cords if possible as this can create an unsafe environment due to their electrical overload.

F. Keep Heater Away From Flammable Items

When using a space heater, make sure that it is kept away from any flammable items such as curtains, clothing, rugs and furniture. Doing this will help reduce the risk of a fire if anything happens to spark or overheat.

Additionally, keep your heater away from water as this increases the likelihood of electric shock.

G. Check for Overheating Regularly

It is important to check for any signs of overheating when using your space heater. Look for indicators such as smoking, strange smells or burning sounds.

If you notice any of these warning signs, turn off the heater immediately and have it checked by a professional before attempting to use it again.

H. Don’t Use Extension Cords or Multiple Plug Adapters

Space heaters should never be plugged into extension cords or multiple plug adapters. This increases the likelihood of an electrical overload, potentially leading to a fire hazard. To prevent this risk, only plug your unit directly into an outlet and avoid any overcrowding on the same circuit.

I. Don’t Place Heater Near Water Sources

Space heaters should never be placed near water sources, as this can lead to an electric shock. Additionally, if your heater uses combustible fuels, make sure it is not located near any gas tanks or lines.

By following these safety precautions you can help ensure the continued use of your space heater in a safe and effective manner.

J. Make Sure the Space Heater Has Proper Ventilation

When using a space heater, it is important to make sure that the unit has proper ventilation. This will ensure that any heat produced can safely escape and not accumulate in the room.

Additionally, be sure to keep curtains and other materials away from vents as this can block airflow.


In conclusion, space heaters can provide an effective way to stay warm and cozy during the cold months. However, it is important to take safety precautions when using these devices in order to prevent potential accidents or injuries.

By following the guidelines outlined above, you can help ensure that your space heater is used in a safe and responsible manner.